#bonfire_feedback Testing when I can. I wanted to mention something that I ran into when I first joined. I thought "well, this is happening because these areas aren't ready yet" and just shrugged it off, but now I think maybe it wasn't supposed to happen.

If I went into my settings and clicked on "Circles, Roles, Boundaries", I was getting an error message with the little flame icon showing. I couldn't do anything with those areas. Now I can see them (maybe about two weeks ago?) and the overall concepts are making much more sense to me now. 馃檪

Unfortunately, I didn't save any screenshots from back then. I think somehow I added a boundary and then from there none of the three areas were erroring out anywhere - could it be erroring out if you don't have anything defined?

This is next to the worst kind of bug feedback you can get - the worst being none at all. Just make note of it, if someone else runs into the issue at least you can remember it had happened before.

+ -

That's the same thing that happened to me! However, it's still going. Currently, whenever I click on one of my "active apps" (i.e. pages) it will tell me something like "this string is not found" or "you don't have permission to view this string". I wonder what happened. Also, I posted about this some months ago, with the #bonfire_feedback tag and non of the dev's have responded. Has anybody else gotten engagement from the devs?
#support tag maybe?

Still pumped for this project though.

+ -