Not much happening in my feed lately....has the action moved elsewhere and I missed the cue?

Or is there another view here that would show more messages etc?

I was thinking of inviting some other people to check out Bonfire and the cafe seemed like the logical place, but then I don't post much here these days either....

@bhaugen yeah I guess it's just more quiet lately, as @ivan and I are focused on preparing the 1.0 release (mostly testing and improving federation functionality) so there's less new features or iterations to experiment with...

Dyne foundation
REFLOW Architecture and Manual for Distributed Network Setup and Maintenance
Mayel de Borniol
July 9, 2021
This deliverable provides an introduction and a manual to the REFLOW OS, a system designed to operate federated nodes constituting the REFLOW network backend infrastructure. It is targeted for adoption by the Free and Open Source communities at large

Hello everyone, I implemented a #Guix System service [0] for #Bonfire that I'm running on a physical machine [1] at home. It uses the OCI image under the hood and I took most of the implementation details from CoopCloud's recipe.

Bonfire starts correctly but when I go to the signup page I get a 500 error. I'm attaching the log for the request. It seems to me a bug or some strange boolean comparison but I still don't know elixir good enough to understand. Do you have any inputs on what I might be doing wrong?




@fishinthecalculator Cool stuff! 😊 I don't see the log but assume it's a known bug we had in the last release. Will trigger a new release (though can't promise there won't be other bugs, lots of work in progress at the moment while we work towards stabilising the codebase...)

Hi, I wonder if you could setup Bonfire so images descriptions would be written to/from the ImageDescription metadata field? If no image description was inserted, Bonfire could default to showing this field as alt text…? #bonfire_feedback

@Oceane I'm curious what images (i.e. coming from which sources) are likely to have already information in that field? We've discussed and even prototyped something like this before, but it unfornately requires doing some extra JavaScript processing client-side or waiting until the image is uploaded (which only happens when you click publish)...

mayel boosted

Would you like to discover how it feels to navigate a social network devoid of avatars? If so, head to Settings -> Preferences -> Appearance, and enable the Hide Avatar option 🥸.

@Oceane We have indeed been optimising the speed of both the backend and UI, glad it is bearing fruit 😅

The other milestone we're working on is federation, for which we introduced 3 different settings:

Currently federation is locked down on here while we optimise some more things (like limiting how many replies are automatically fetched in threads) and then we'll change it to on-demand.

BTW when the instance is set to on-demand users can still lock down federation for themselves, and when federation is enabled they can set themselves to on-demand or disabled. This is currently the only exception to all admin settings being fully overridable by users [besides the more obvious ones in "instance configuration" such as instance name and max file upload size].

Sorry, I did take the time to appreciate how snappy the last update was, but I haven't been vocal about it.

I'm going to toggle a few switches and see what happens. Is it normal if I can't fetch a post through another instance (Firefish)? Is the federation still disabled?

Thanks in advance!

@Oceane We have indeed been optimising the speed of both the backend and UI, glad it is bearing fruit 😅

The other milestone we're working on is federation, for which we introduced 3 different settings:

Currently federation is locked down on here while we optimise some more things (like limiting how many replies are automatically fetched in threads) and then we'll change it to on-demand.