
just trying it out

#feedback #bonfire

Also!!! Thank you sooo much for adding support for opendyslexic font!!! That is really great of you guys to realize that some people have three dimensional minds. I'm not dyslexic, but I have helped multiple people set up dyslexic font on their computers.

@versolalto The pages extension is currently disabled because it is still in development (you should be getting an error saying that instead of the ones you got though, will look into that). Sorry you didn't get a response last time!

No problem, thanks for the update and explanation! So far Bonfire is looking great. I was off social media before Easter. Am back on now and the web app is way better and snappier. Nice work.

Quick bug or maybe a feature that hasn't been implemented yet. The word count limit is not counting up as I type.

#bonfire_feedback Testing when I can. I wanted to mention something that I ran into when I first joined. I thought "well, this is happening because these areas aren't ready yet" and just shrugged it off, but now I think maybe it wasn't supposed to happen.

If I went into my settings and clicked on "Circles, Roles, Boundaries", I was getting an error message with the little flame icon showing. I couldn't do anything with those areas. Now I can see them (maybe about two weeks ago?) and the overall concepts are making much more sense to me now. 🙂

Unfortunately, I didn't save any screenshots from back then. I think somehow I added a boundary and then from there none of the three areas were erroring out anywhere - could it be erroring out if you don't have anything defined?

This is next to the worst kind of bug feedback you can get - the worst being none at all. Just make note of it, if someone else runs into the issue at least you can remember it had happened before.

Actually, boundaries is working now. Active apps aren't. However, boundaries are freaking awesome. I can't wait until this gets out of beta. It is going to be amazing! It is truly, the ultimate social platform. I have so much control over everything I do.

#bonfire_feedback Testing when I can. I wanted to mention something that I ran into when I first joined. I thought "well, this is happening because these areas aren't ready yet" and just shrugged it off, but now I think maybe it wasn't supposed to happen.

If I went into my settings and clicked on "Circles, Roles, Boundaries", I was getting an error message with the little flame icon showing. I couldn't do anything with those areas. Now I can see them (maybe about two weeks ago?) and the overall concepts are making much more sense to me now. 🙂

Unfortunately, I didn't save any screenshots from back then. I think somehow I added a boundary and then from there none of the three areas were erroring out anywhere - could it be erroring out if you don't have anything defined?

This is next to the worst kind of bug feedback you can get - the worst being none at all. Just make note of it, if someone else runs into the issue at least you can remember it had happened before.

That's the same thing that happened to me! However, it's still going. Currently, whenever I click on one of my "active apps" (i.e. pages) it will tell me something like "this string is not found" or "you don't have permission to view this string". I wonder what happened. Also, I posted about this some months ago, with the #bonfire_feedback tag and non of the dev's have responded. Has anybody else gotten engagement from the devs?
#support tag maybe?

Still pumped for this project though.

Why can't I access any of the active apps? Every time I try to it tells me that "I don't have access to this string".
It's looking like a very promising app and I can't wait to see what it looks like once out of the beta!