Exercitationem saepe magni est cupiditate assumenda accusantium saepe consequatur fugit amet possimus rerum quas dolores quos quisquam sapiente sit perferendis officia ad aut ut ut quibusdam quaerat autem corporis vero illum tempore et culpa rem ut ratione!
@dajb This might help: https://www.tree.fm/
@macfranc quadrillion è biliardo in italiano. Devo ancora leggerlo ma in genere i computer quantistici sono super sensazionalizzati e sono principalmente fuffa.

Si crede siano più potenti di un computer classico (in termini di "quante cose che può fare") ma non è vero, sono meno potenti, però sono molto più veloci in alcuni compiti specifici.

Inoltre, tutti quelli che abbiamo adesso sono dei giocattoli e non fanno niente. Sono come chiamare dei fuochi d'artificio dei prototipi dell'Apollo 11.

Data purge: Internet Archive corre ai ripari nell'era Trump 2.0


I've been slowly on boarding some friends onto a personal #pixelfed instance, but it's been really disappointing how difficult it is to login to a custom server with the official app.

1. Don't click the login button! Select settings in the corner
2. Turn on "Allow custom server"
3. Open list of servers
4. Scroll to the bottom and select "other"
5. Now tap login
6. Ignore the presented list and search, click "login with custom server"
7. Enter in your URL and click login

Apple chiude le porte agli sviluppatori russi: analisi delle implicazioni
Can we devote some time to discussing Slack? As in, why are we all sending our every thought to a centralized server that can be hacked, and can can train AI with them? And why is Slack allowed to store transcripts but I can't?

My union uses Slack for organizing. How crazy is it that an organization in the cross hairs of a dangerous and emboldened government would do this? With everything going on right now, I'd love to be more active in the union, but must I really give up so much to this opaque platform?

Is anyone else struggling with these concerns? Do you know of viable Slack alternatives? Are there any hacks that make Slack less of a privacy invasion or make LLM training harder? Are there at least ways for me to save sessions the way I can with IRC? How do I resist Slack and not lose touch with groups that still use it?

Please boost for reach.

#ransomware 🇮🇹

Altra vittima che si aggiunge all’elenco, presto probabilmente da monitorare con #Ransomfeed

Gruppo Alf nel Trevigiano
Azienda ferma da 7 giorni

🔗 https://www.tribunatreviso.it/nordest/hacker-attacco-azienda-alf-treviso-gaiarine-cosa-e-successo-u2ids8hu

Stay tuned

🇮🇹 è online il terzo report quadrimestrale 2024 di Ransomfeed

Come sempre, trovate:
📄 la panoramica sul #ransomware globale e Italiana
🥷🏻 i nuovi gruppi
🗺️ stats per area geografica
🧰 stats per settore economico

Qui il link per download e condivisione
🔗 https://ransomfeed.it/data/reports/2024/DRM-Report-Q3-2024.pdf

Qui altri report:
🔗 https://ransomfeed.it/index.php?page=reports

@dansup@mastodon.social take your take your time Dan. Open source community has enough of half baked projects, with terrible UX decisions and other problems, which over time become too big to fix

In order to get the people from the biggest social media players, it must be done the right way ⭐️

Our new NLnet grant is officially signed! We're starting work 😊 The main focus is:

- Creating materials to support the Forgejo federation implementation

- Documentation for the specification

- Implementing the Vervis backed API in the Anvil frontend

Forgejo could enjoy more Go developers joining the federation team! It might be the best way to contribute to forge federation right now.


I agree. I unfollowed that person that doesn't agree. It's not their call.
I get not CW'ing by accident, but being willfull about it is a red flag.

Hashtags are for categorizing, CWs are for content warnings.

I'm sorry I am just dumbstruck by how unsafe that person is.

People's welfare is not a "subjective" choice for him to decide.

One of them has this in their bio:
"A better world, by listening."

Kind of ironic.
@macfranc @pirati

Eh ... la censura è sempre quella degli altri. Poi ce chi ha l'onestà di protestare sempre e quelli che protestano solo quando fa comodo alla loro parte.

@macfranc @pirati se l'avesse fatto un'azienda cinese tutti a strapparsi le vesti.
@macfranc@poliversity.it anche poliverso ha diritto ad un venerdì sera libero, ogni tanto