here just hanging out
lefterino boosted

Hello everyone, I implemented a #Guix System service [0] for #Bonfire that I'm running on a physical machine [1] at home. It uses the OCI image under the hood and I took most of the implementation details from CoopCloud's recipe.

Bonfire starts correctly but when I go to the signup page I get a 500 error. I'm attaching the log for the request. It seems to me a bug or some strange boolean comparison but I still don't know elixir good enough to understand. Do you have any inputs on what I might be doing wrong?




for sure what helps me to engage is the comments number. that works for me more than any other stat, cause i see there is a discussion i can learn from and eventually engage in.

anyway maybe you could put a little counter on or under every of the buttons that are already there?


  • under or on the right of the reply button, the number of the replies already there
  • under or on the right of the repost button, the number of the repost already made and you can see who did it by clicking on it
    etc etc