
"Be open minded, but not so open minded that your brains fall out." (Groucho Marx)

After the great AMA with Kerri Lemoie from MIT's Digital Credentials Consortium I've updated the Glossary page on Badge Wiki ✍


I've also added a link to the Glossary from the main sidebar (see screenshot)

Anyone can request an account on Badge Wiki, which uses the same software as Wikipedia. Feel free to update/amend the page!


@bonfire\@indieweb.social I love the image in this post *so* much. It's Monkey Island vibes, but not one I've played?

I've replaced hyperlinks with Org-cite (BibLaTeX + the CSL). If I'm to reference your work, I'm gonna need a lead developer.

For now it's @dajb due to the alphabetic order. Is this ok for everyone? @mayel and @ivan? Am I missing someone?

@Oceane I can't see a reply from @mayel or @ivan but I'm not a developer, never mind lead developer! 😂 Bonfire is very much led by Mayel and Ivan. I just hang around when asked to for moral support, user research, and some occasional writing...

One thing I really like about Bonfire is that the default font size on mobile is sensible. Also the messages are full-width.

Both stand in contrast to Mastodon, with it's weird layout. I can't stand having an un-collapsable sidebar!

Several new layout and sorting options coming to the discussion page on Bonfire in the next release. Would love some feedback, such as:

  • would you prefer them separated in three menus as in the screenshots, or all in one menu?
  • any suggestions on clearer wording for some of the options? such as nested vs linear and the different chronological options...

Several new layout and sorting options coming to the discussion page on Bonfire in the next release. Would love some feedback, such as:

  • would you prefer them separated in three menus as in the screenshots, or all in one menu?
  • any suggestions on clearer wording for some of the options? such as nested vs linear and the different chronological options...

I think one list would be overwhelming!

Great News! Bonfire has made it to the final round of the Distributed Design Award 2023 🎉 Now it's time for the People's Choice Award, and your vote counts!
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