
I work on https://www.valueflo.ws/

Not much happening in my feed lately....has the action moved elsewhere and I missed the cue?

Or is there another view here that would show more messages etc?

I was thinking of inviting some other people to check out Bonfire and the cafe seemed like the logical place, but then I don't post much here these days either....

I found a way to invite people, previously provided by @ivan

so thanks. Explicit invitations would still be a good feature....

People in that social.coop Loomio thread would like to get accounts in bonfire.social.coop . I have an account there but I don't think I can give accounts to other people, unless I am missing something.

@bonfire @ivan @mayel  invitations would be a great feature. Might need some special permissions, though...

That conversation continues with more interest in Bonfire.

Could we be two instances / communities? (website)
I've been turning this thought over in my head for a couple days, and I'm curious what others think. I don't know that this is something that would ever turn into a proposal, possibly just an idea to contemplate.Some observations:1) I'm pretty new to social.coop, but from things various more senior members have said, I have the impression that decision-making and community-building were easier when the community was smaller.2) It also seems from a couple of recent conversations (e.g., the one about deferation from / moderation of Threads.net if they ever implemented ActivityPub, but the one about putting together an Organizing Circle, and one about how to moderate misinformation) that there is quite a bit of divergence among our members in visions for how the instance should be run.3) Meanwhile, it seems that there are a shortage of democratically run Fediverse instances out there.All of this has me wondering whether if we are too big for comfortable discussion of many decisions, might we be large enough to split off into two or more instances?I do think there would be more value in having a larger ecosystem of democratically run cooperatively owned instances out there, and this could be one strategy to bringing this about. I know we've also had members give presentations on this kind of thing, but I'm wondering if kicking off new instances from the inside might be easier than mentoring new instances on the outside.Thoughts?

@ivan @mayel @bonfire@indieweb.social

Y'all got a fan over in social.coop:


I've been keeping a close eye on Bonfire, and I really think that it's leaps and bounds ahead of Mastodon in terms of design intent and moderation usability.

Lots more at the link...

Could we be two instances / communities? (website)
I've been turning this thought over in my head for a couple days, and I'm curious what others think. I don't know that this is something that would ever turn into a proposal, possibly just an idea to contemplate.Some observations:1) I'm pretty new to social.coop, but from things various more senior members have said, I have the impression that decision-making and community-building were easier when the community was smaller.2) It also seems from a couple of recent conversations (e.g., the one about deferation from / moderation of Threads.net if they ever implemented ActivityPub, but the one about putting together an Organizing Circle, and one about how to moderate misinformation) that there is quite a bit of divergence among our members in visions for how the instance should be run.3) Meanwhile, it seems that there are a shortage of democratically run Fediverse instances out there.All of this has me wondering whether if we are too big for comfortable discussion of many decisions, might we be large enough to split off into two or more instances?I do think there would be more value in having a larger ecosystem of democratically run cooperatively owned instances out there, and this could be one strategy to bringing this about. I know we've also had members give presentations on this kind of thing, but I'm wondering if kicking off new instances from the inside might be easier than mentoring new instances on the outside.Thoughts?
social.coop (website)
A Fediverse instance for people interested in cooperative and collective projects. If you are interested in joining our community, please apply at https://wiki.social.coop/registration-form.html.

@bhaugen we can contact coopcloud and try to test out a collaboration with them (or their coop networks) to offer premium hosting service, that would quite a cool use case... do you think the driftless group would be interested in this? (Of course no prob if they prefer to host it by themselves)

As I said in that other channel, I think it's too early to count onn the Driftless group doing anything. But if not them, I have another regional group in mind.

So early days of a conversation, or maybe more than one conversation. In all of them, I am the person who wants a Driftless Bonfire site, and nobody else is there yet.

@bhaugen see docs.coopcloud.tech/operator...

While you can use any provider to get a server or VPS to use with coop-cloud, there's two mentioned in their docs (since they're more closely integrated into the tooling):

  • servers.coop is an initiative started by the same people as coop-cloud to setup a cooperative network of hosters, but I'm not sure how operational it is yet
  • hetzner is a german company that's common choice among FOSS and fediverse folks

Thanks again. How much server do you think Bonfire would need?

(that was from servers.coop which looks good if they are ready to go.)

I tried to post this same content before and it went off into space somewhere. If it landed in the Bonfire campground and this is a duplicate, sorry, but i don't see my first try anywhere.

I wanted to ask about CoopCloud, which bonfirenetworks.org/docs/dep...

recommends for deployment.

But from skimming their doc, looks like they don't offer an actual cloud that I can deploy on, just some software for people to install on some other server.

Is that correct? And if so, got any recommendations for where to actually install Bonfire software?