1. Don't click the login button! Select settings in the corner
2. Turn on "Allow custom server"
3. Open list of servers
4. Scroll to the bottom and select "other"
5. Now tap login
6. Ignore the presented list and search, click "login with custom server"
7. Enter in your URL and click login
My union uses Slack for organizing. How crazy is it that an organization in the cross hairs of a dangerous and emboldened government would do this? With everything going on right now, I'd love to be more active in the union, but must I really give up so much to this opaque platform?
Is anyone else struggling with these concerns? Do you know of viable Slack alternatives? Are there any hacks that make Slack less of a privacy invasion or make LLM training harder? Are there at least ways for me to save sessions the way I can with IRC? How do I resist Slack and not lose touch with groups that still use it?
Please boost for reach.
Altra vittima che si aggiunge all’elenco, presto probabilmente da monitorare con #Ransomfeed
Gruppo Alf nel Trevigiano
Azienda ferma da 7 giorni
Stay tuned
Come sempre, trovate:
📄 la panoramica sul #ransomware globale e Italiana
🥷🏻 i nuovi gruppi
🗺️ stats per area geografica
🧰 stats per settore economico
Qui il link per download e condivisione
🔗 https://ransomfeed.it/data/reports/2024/DRM-Report-Q3-2024.pdf
Qui altri report:
🔗 https://ransomfeed.it/index.php?page=reports
- Creating materials to support the Forgejo federation implementation
- Documentation for the specification
- Implementing the Vervis backed API in the Anvil frontend
Forgejo could enjoy more Go developers joining the federation team! It might be the best way to contribute to forge federation right now.
tl;dr - we are running out of money and will not be able to pay our bills in April. As such, unless we can secure funding by end of February, we will be closing down some services and re-examining our scope of activities.
None of this stuff is enough!
Spritely started from one question: What *can't* the present-day fediverse do? What's next?
Ho tardato un po', ma ora mi presento.
Mi chiamo Tiziano, musicista (violoncellista) e insegnante.
La musica ("classica", ma non solo) è una delle mie grandi passioni.
Le altre sono la filosofia cinese (c'è una mia Introduzione all'I Ching nel catalogo di Tlon) e il software libero. Da ora, il fediverso (lo adoro!).
Ne aggiungerei altre (arte, viaggi, scienza, danza irlandese...) ma rischio di dilungarmi troppo.
Mi farò conoscere meglio poco a poco!
Dati Eurostat, dicembre 2024.
Appunti Corti #1