@mayel Hi, sorry for not following up, I was thinking about images coming from the Fediverse and from Bonfire specifically.

Hi, I wonder if you could setup Bonfire so images descriptions would be written to/from the ImageDescription metadata field? If no image description was inserted, Bonfire could default to showing this field as alt text…? #bonfire_feedback
@ivan This is just my humble contribution to the commons anyway, you've laid out all the work for the last three years! Thank you for this opportunity!
It could be worth telling that the second screenshot was different from the first one. So there’s another bug, which is that you only got the first one, duplicated, with the image description of the second screenshot only.
@ivan Oh sorry, I’ve missed your reply! I’m going to reply right back!
Please tell me how I could improve my bug reports.
Btw I was using Firefox with uBlock Origin and Cozy Pass.
EDIT : I don’t think this bug would be platform-specific, but I’m using Linux Mint with Cinnamon. I’m running Firefox mint-001 120.0.1.
Fourth bug report: please note that I’ve added descriptions for both screenshots.
Third bug report: you’ve probably noticed a few CSS glitches (1), but there’s also one when replying to code-formatted text (2).
Second bug report: I tried to insert both code snippets in the same post but I couldn’t add anything after the code part in the first post. There wasn’t any newline after this portion. I’d like to maybe have a newline automatically inserted after a code block, if there’s none, when cycling with tab ?
First bug report: of course, both were meant as code (using the three backticks).
(defun microblog ()
"Microbloguer avec toot(1) et twtxt !"
(let ((message (read-from-minibuffer "Message : ")))
(concat "sh ~/.emacs.d/microblog/microblog.sh "
(shell-quote-argument message)
I’ve developed this, translate as needed: 1/3
#! /usr/bin/sh
if test $(echo $1 | wc -c) -le 140; then
/usr/bin/toot post "$1" &&
/home/oceane/.local/bin/twtxt tweet "$1" ||
echo "Je n’ai pas pu poster sur ActivityPub, je ne posterai donc pas non plus sur twtxt !";
else echo "Ce message dépasse 140 signes et ne peut pas être posté !";
@ivan Sorry, I was talking about the way Bonfire seemed to fetch images by following hyperlinks, not about files that were uploaded on an ActivityPub server.
But this might be far-fetched? What difference would it make with a malicious instance user uploading illegal files directly?
@ivan Hmm so now I'm just replying to you by default?
Yep, it might be the 7th time both Doug and I get mentioned in a thread about this (generally, I mention him)
On a network of 3 millions of users, with a strong “Mozilla Firefox” culture, you could generate a few millions of dollars a year of revenue with that right?
They should be paying you to develop it
Excuse me but these previews don't seem very secure. They're either cached or directly fetched through the user's connection aren't they? What if they're illegal files?
FYI, I was trying to insert a few copyrighted ePub files, and the composer wasn't showing attachments. So I've tried to insert a PDF, and then, 0x0.st/HxeE.png