Not much happening in my feed lately....has the action moved elsewhere and I missed the cue?

Or is there another view here that would show more messages etc?

I was thinking of inviting some other people to check out Bonfire and the cafe seemed like the logical place, but then I don't post much here these days either....

People in that Loomio thread would like to get accounts in . I have an account there but I don't think I can give accounts to other people, unless I am missing something.

@bonfire @ivan @mayel  invitations would be a great feature. Might need some special permissions, though...

That conversation continues with more interest in Bonfire.

@ivan @mayel

Y'all got a fan over in

I've been keeping a close eye on Bonfire, and I really think that it's leaps and bounds ahead of Mastodon in terms of design intent and moderation usability.

Lots more at the link...

As I said in that other channel, I think it's too early to count onn the Driftless group doing anything. But if not them, I have another regional group in mind.

So early days of a conversation, or maybe more than one conversation. In all of them, I am the person who wants a Driftless Bonfire site, and nobody else is there yet.

I tried to post this same content before and it went off into space somewhere. If it landed in the Bonfire campground and this is a duplicate, sorry, but i don't see my first try anywhere.

I wanted to ask about CoopCloud, which

recommends for deployment.

But from skimming their doc, looks like they don't offer an actual cloud that I can deploy on, just some software for people to install on some other server.

Is that correct? And if so, got any recommendations for where to actually install Bonfire software?