I appreciate the offer, but Sunday is not looking good for me. I'm supposed to be playing board games with my kids. If that falls through, I may ping you because I like the idea of collaborating on this.
Currently, I'm very active in the Backdrop CMS community.
I'm also very interested in exploring and understanding the Fediverse.
I appreciate the offer, but Sunday is not looking good for me. I'm supposed to be playing board games with my kids. If that falls through, I may ping you because I like the idea of collaborating on this.
Currently, I'm very active in the Backdrop CMS community.
I'm also very interested in exploring and understanding the Fediverse.
I appreciate the offer, but Sunday is not looking good for me. I'm supposed to be playing board games with my kids. If that falls through, I may ping you because I like the idea of collaborating on this.
@stpaultim I tried to post a reply but got a full-screen error message. Trying again. Maybe we can find another time.
> Which error?
It was full-screen, or at least very big. I don't remember an error message. Went away fast when I clicked.
If I see it again, I will make sure to save the details.