Please feel no pressure, you're already going to change millions of lives. I'm not sure you realize how much power you're weaving at the moment, if such a thing is possible.

@mayel Hi, sorry for not following up, I was thinking about images coming from the Fediverse and from Bonfire specifically.

Hi, I wonder if you could setup Bonfire so images descriptions would be written to/from the ImageDescription metadata field? If no image description was inserted, Bonfire could default to showing this field as alt text…? #bonfire_feedback

@ivan This is just my humble contribution to the commons anyway, you've laid out all the work for the last three years! Thank you for this opportunity!

I’ve developed this, translate as needed: 1/3

#! /usr/bin/sh

if test $(echo $1 | wc -c) -le 140; then
/usr/bin/toot post "$1" &&
/home/oceane/.local/bin/twtxt tweet "$1" ||
echo "Je n’ai pas pu poster sur ActivityPub, je ne posterai donc pas non plus sur twtxt !";
else echo "Ce message dépasse 140 signes et ne peut pas être posté !";

Bug 3: when I try to insert an image, it isn't shown as an attachment. For example, here I'm trying to insert an image, but then the page refreshes and I'm losing heredity, and it isn't shown anyway in the composer.

I don't know if you noticed it but for the “sort by” and “limit to” fields to be effective in the right column filter, you need to fully refresh the page. #bonfire_feedback

Sorry, I did take the time to appreciate how snappy the last update was, but I haven't been vocal about it.

I'm going to toggle a few switches and see what happens. Is it normal if I can't fetch a post through another instance (Firefish)? Is the federation still disabled?

Thanks in advance!

I'm not trying to get Zuckerberg or Dorsey tried anymore. I'd rather dismantle the institutions that've enabled them. Look, I'm not even mad at them – trials just help to cover up failing social institutions. People being found guilty are mere scapegoats.

Which stable aspects of society (not people, and especially not last names) have made us suffer? How can we reform them? My best guess is “not by defending their loopholes by punishing the people who've abused them”.

Not the best time for a feature request, but people are talking about lists on Mastodon and I'd rather have an Inureader/Elfeed-style tags-based live filter #bonfire_feedback

Lol sorry for the flood but can you please add the Luciole font, which is developed for people with a low vision?


Sorry I'm getting notifications so I guess Mayel faved me but I'm not seeing it through the UI #bonfire_feedback

I've replaced hyperlinks with Org-cite (BibLaTeX + the CSL). If I'm to reference your work, I'm gonna need a lead developer.

For now it's @dajb due to the alphabetic order. Is this ok for everyone? @mayel and @ivan? Am I missing someone?

> If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your most valuable resource, they will respond by becoming your most valuable resource.

*​makes most valuable resource noises​*

I'm still not sure whether I'll do my master thesis on self-harm or on the way social media are meant to trap improductive people into improductivity, covering as many use cases as possible in the most confusing and unhealthy way as possible (for example Twitter is terrible for publishing, but also for healthy communities and as a messaging platform). Bonfire is poised to cover these use cases fairly well, and there are lives, and even elections at stake. (Don't get me started on the way the spectacle is a modelisation scheme meant to get people like Mr. Macron elected through foreign funding.)