I wanted to try to adopt the trendy black logo aesthetic that many brands have been doing but obviously that was wrong.
I will revert the app to use the color logo and the 2022 black logo is now deleted from the evolution.
Y'all won 😅
A carbon vessel interested in all things celestial. A human being with spiritual meaning. A political soul seeking libertarian goals. A unique geek trying to improve his physique.
I write some codes
I love #Rust and #Kotlin, & have a love-hate relationship with #objc. I trick things into working the way they were never supposed to. I use #GNOME on my desktop and follow its development, though I don't contribute much.
Notable projects I hack on:
• #Darling
• #SerenityOS
• GNU #Hurd / glibc
• wl-clipboard
• Owl
RIP mastodon.technology 😢
La missió dels catalans no és defensar el castellà -tampoc atacar-lo-, sinó defensar i promoure al màxim el català. Tradueixo Mastodon al català i m'encanta programar amb Python. Els meus projectes Python son a https://git.mastodont.cat/spla