🌍 Fediverse community, we need your support!
We’re funding bounties with the resources we have, but we need YOU to help fuel open-source contributions.
💡 Each bounty now has a dedicated donation page via our Open Collective:

1️⃣ Optimize DB query performance: https://opencollective.com/bonfire-networks/projects/improve-db-query-performance
2️⃣ Boost feed rendering performance: https://opencollective.com/bonfire-networks/projects/feed-render-performance

Join us in creating a cooperative environment where every input and suggestion counts!

🌍 Fediverse community, we need your support!
We’re funding bounties with the resources we have, but we need YOU to help fuel open-source contributions.
💡 Each bounty now has a dedicated donation page via our Open Collective:

1️⃣ Optimize DB query performance: https://opencollective.com/bonfire-networks/projects/improve-db-query-performance
2️⃣ Boost feed rendering performance: https://opencollective.com/bonfire-networks/projects/feed-render-performance

Join us in creating a cooperative environment where every input and suggestion counts!