A mockup of the Bonfire Gaia Connect extension

Imagine following locations (specific like your nearest lake, or wider like your city) like you follow any other user, and being able to get real-time data from sensors and public database directly from its timeline - what's the air quality today? is there a huge amount of pollen in the air? . 

And eventually that location has enabled also the bonfire gatherings extension to create and share events. All ways to fill the gap between digital and phisical life  

Imagine following locations (specific like your nearest lake, or wider like your city) like you follow any other user, and being able to get real-time data from sensors and public database directly from its timeline - what's the air quality today? is there a huge amount of pollen in the air? . 

And eventually that location has enabled also the bonfire gatherings extension to create and share events. All ways to fill the gap between digital and phisical life