🇬🇧Livestream: At around 3.15 pm, the EU interior ministers will discuss the latest #Chatcontrol 2.0 proposal. Our digital secrecy of correspondence and secure encryption are at stake!

Stream: https://video.consilium.europa.eu/event/en/27367

My comment: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/chat-control-new-eu-government-attempt-to-bulk-search-private-messages-and-destroy-secure-end-to-end-encryption/


🇩🇪Sowohl das Europaparlament als auch die Bundeswehr verwenden die US-amerikanische Konferenzplattform #Webex. Beim der #Taurus#Abhöraffäre war das aus vielen Gründen besonders fatal:
🤦Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung #E2EE war nicht aktiviert und wird von Webex kaum unterstützt
🤦Analoge Telefoneinwahl aus dem Ausland ist natürlich leicht abhörbar
🤦Offensichtlich keine Prüfung, wer alles teilnahm; Spoofing ist einfach
🤦US-Anbieter sind für die USA grundsätzlich abhörbar (ohne #E2EE)

Jetzt oder nie: Wir brauchen eine Kommunikations-Souveränitätsoffensive, die offene, selbst betriebene, metadatensparsame und sicher #E2EE verschlüsselte Kommunikation zur Selbstverständlichkeit macht! Herr Bundeskanzler, Frau EP-Präsidentin, übernehmen Sie!

🇩🇪 Both the European Parliament and the German Armed Forces Bundeswehr use the US conference platform #Webex. In the #Taurus #wiretapping affair, this was fatal for many reasons:
🤦 End-to-end encryption #E2EE was not activated and is barely supported by Webex
🤦 Analog telephone dial-in from abroad is of course easy to intercept
🤦 Obviously no check of who was dialed in, spoofing easy
🤦 US providers can always be intercepted by the US (without #E2EE)

Now or never: We need a communication sovereignty offensive that makes open, self-operated, metadata-saving and securely #E2EE encrypted communication a normality! Mr Bundeskanzler, Ms EP President, take it from here please!

🇩🇪Gewonnen: Die von der Leyen-EU-Kommission muss ihr Schweigen brechen und Mittwoch im Europäischen Parlament eine Erklärung zur drohenden Auslieferung von Julian #Assange abgeben! Haben wir heute gegen die Stimmen von Union, FDP und Freie Wähler durchgesetzt. https://www.patrick-breyer.de/piraten-beenden-schweigen-der-eu-zur-drohenden-auslieferung-von-julian-assange-an-die-usa/


🇬🇧Victory: EU Commission and EU Council will have to break their silence on Wednesday and deliver a statement on the looming extradition of Julian #Assange, followed by a debate in the European Parliament. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document//OJQ-9-2024-02-28_EN.html#D-114


Untitled media
🇬🇧The Strasbourg Human Rights Court rules systemic, general & indiscriminate #DataRetention to violate the European Convention on Human Rights because it is not necessary in a democratic society.
Slovenian case: https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/?i=001-230885#ECHR#ECtHR#GreensEFA#Pirates
🇬🇧As a trial observer in the Julian #Assange case, I am appalled by the US attacks on transparency and accountability for state crimes cloaked in law.

We #Pirates convinced our group to request an EU Parliament debate and resolution next week!

🇬🇧46 Members of the European Parliament today make a final request to UK Home Secretary James Cleverly to protect Julian #Assange from looming extradition to the US.

Our message: Europe is watching the UK and its respect for human rights and the Human Rights Convention closely. Britain's relationship with the EU is at stake.

#PressFreedom#Journalism #transparency #accountability#Wikileaks#Pirates#FreeAssangeNOW

🇬🇧 EU Parliament and the Council have just agreed to extend the voluntary #ChatControl 1.0 bulk searches of our private messages by US services like Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, Xbox until (at least) 2026! The mass leak of annually 1.5 mio. private chats to US moderators and Europol is to continue. We #Pirates are suing in court!


🇩🇪Europäischer Menschenrechtsgerichtshof verbietet heute generelle Schwächung sicherer Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, weil sie uns alle schützt. https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng/?i=001-230854 (Abs. 76 ff.)

Damit ist die von der EU-Kommission zur #Chatkontrolle geforderte "client-side scanning"-Überwachung auf allen Smartphones illegal.

Die EU-Regierungen müssen die Zerstörung sicherer Verschlüsselung jetzt endlich aus den #Chatkontrolle 2.0-Plänen streichen - genauso wie die flächendeckende Überwachung Unverdächtiger! Wir #Piraten werden weiter dafür kämpfen.

🇬🇧European Court of Human Rights today bans general weakening of secure end-to-end encryption #E2EE because it keeps us all safe. https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng/?i=001-230854 (par. 76 pp.)

This makes the client-side scanning on all smartphones contained in the EU Commission's #ChatControl 2.0 proposal clearly illegal.

EU governments must now finally remove the destruction of secure encryption from the #Chatcontrol 2.0 plans - as well as the blanket surveillance of non-suspects! We #Pirates will continue to fight for this.

🇬🇧 #AIAct: European Parliament committees today rubber-stamped an instruction manual for rolling out permanent #biometricmasssurveillance in public spaces by means of real-time #facesurveillance. Chilling behavioral monitoring and unscientific AI video lie detectors are not off limits, either.
Defending our democracy against being turned into a high-tech surveillance state is not negotiable for us #Pirates!

Read on: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/pirates-dont-support-flawed-ai-act/

🇩🇪#PiratenWirken: Die von uns #Piraten im #DMA erkämpfte #Interoperabilität des datenschutzfeindlichen #Whatsapp-Messengers rückt näher. In den nächsten Monaten werden wir zu besseren und offenen Messengerdiensten wie Matrix wechseln und unsere Whatsapp-Kontakte mit deren Einverständnis mithilfe des Signal-Protokolls weiter dienstübergreifend sicher Ende-zu-Ende-verschlüsselt erreichen können. Netzpolitik berichtet: https://netzpolitik.org/2024/interoperabilitaet-whatsapp-soll-bald-mit-anderen-messengern-reden-koennen/

Der Facebook-Messenger wird auch interoperabel, möglicherweise auch iMessage.
Anonyme Nutzung der teilnehmenden alternativen Messengerdienste bleibt übrigens möglich, und Daten erhält Whatsapp nur zu den dienstübergreifend verschickten Nachrichten.

Auch wenn Threema und Signal anfangs außen vor bleiben wollen, bin ich zuversichtlich, dass mit der Zeit immer mehr Messengerdienste mitmachen werden, denn Interoperabilität ist die Zukunft und bringt echten Wettbewerb und echte Wahlfreiheit!

🇬🇧Consumer-hostile #Whatsapp messenger will soon be interoperable - we #Pirates ensured this via the #DMA. In the coming months, we will be able to switch to better and open messenger services such as Matrix and continue to communicate with our consenting Whatsapp contacts securely and end-to-end encrypted across platforms using the Signal protocol. Wired reports: https://www.wired.com/story/whatsapp-interoperability-messaging/

Facebook Messenger will also become interoperable, possibly iMessage too.
Anonymous use of the participating alternative messenger services remains possible, and Whatsapp only receives data on messages sent across platforms.

Even if Threema and Signal want to stay on the sidelines at first, I am confident that more and more messenger services will join in over time, because interoperability is the future and brings real competition and real freedom of choice!

🇬🇧Brussels has a #corporatetakeover problem. That's why I support the whistleblower portal LobbyLeaks.eu .
Many complaints are coming in about trickery in the EU lobby register. With other MEPs, I am calling for a tougher approach:
European Parliament today supported extending the indiscriminate, error-prone #Chatcontrol 1.0 searching of ALL private messages sent via US big tech platforms.

Read why #Pirates are opposing this: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/pirates-vote-against-chatcontrol-1-0-extension/

How did your MEPs vote? https://mepwatch.eu/9/vote.html?v=164216&country=

My video explains why the official justification is a tall tale: https://twitter.com/echo_pbreyer/status/1753055216969076745

Our contribution as #Pirates to today's #SaferInternetDay#SID2024: Together with civil society, we have convinced the EU Parliament to make the internet truly safer for children and young people without destroying everybody’s privacy and secure encryption online by mandating #chatcontrol #masssurveillance. Specifically, the EU Parliament wants:

1⃣ Protected communication without #chatcontrol
2⃣ Secure end-to-end #encryption#E2EE
3⃣ Anonymous communication
4⃣ Secure chat apps for under 16-year-olds

The EU Parliament advocates for better alternatives to #chatcontrol:

1⃣ Securely designed apps to prevent child grooming
2⃣ Crawl the public internet for known CSAM
3⃣ Oblige providers to remove CSAM they know of
4⃣ Oblige law enforcement to have CSAM removed

By the way the Commission's allegedly "robust", extreme #chatcontrol proposal provides for none of this.

Thus: We #Pirates protect your security and your data!

Read on: chatcontrol.eu

🇫🇷 La Commission européenne von der Leyen affirme cette semaine que le droit européen ne s'oppose pas à une #ReconnaissanceFaciale en temps réel dans les lieux publics. Pas un mot sur la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l'UE. La #surveillancebiométrique de masse n'est pas acceptable pour nous, les #Pirates !
🇬🇧 The von der Leyen EU Commission claims this week that EU law does not preclude indiscriminate real-time facial surveillance in public spaces. Not a word about the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. #biometricMassSurveillance is not an option to us #Pirates!